Recently, some of the students who were part of a special group that was here from Strasbourg, France took the time to share some thoughts on their experience. They were required to go abroad as part of their business program at the EM Strasbourg Business School and in this case, this requirement brought them here for English Courses in San Francisco. Here is what Loève had to say:
“I think my stay San Francisco changed my life in a certain way. In fact, it opened a lot my mind and made me discover a lot of new things. Here, everybody accepts the others and there is a kind of harmony in the city. Moreover, the weather is very pleasant and it made me very happy every day. To me, it is like a “dream city,” everything seems so perfect and without any problem. I really love the American way of life, except the food (I really miss French food) and the prices which are very very high. Everything also seems to be easy to reach in San Francisco: you can easily get the job of your dreams, live incredible moments thanks to friendly people and whatever you want to do, you can. Should I also praise how beautiful the landscapes are here? It is really breathtaking. Concerning the courses in EC San Francisco, at the beginning I didn’t really feel progress in English, but when I went to the advanced class I think my English level has become better. Honestly, your courses were very interesting. We were able to have lots of debates and this is a very good way to learn how to speak English fluently. You always tried to make your best to interest us and it was really enjoyable. Thanks to you, I also learned a lot of vocabulary. Don’t change anything to your courses. I think they were perfect.”