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5 Mistakes When Learning English

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Many people often ask themselves: “Why can I not learn English?”. For example, a person has been studying English for many years, but still does not have the desired result. What is wrong? If you are studying at an English school in Vancouver, this article will help you to learn what the most common mistakes people make in their learning, and how such mistakes can affect their improvement.

Mistake # 1: Not Doing Homework

Doing homework is 50% of success. When doing homework, you should remember the material, and once again repeat what was learned in class. This also allows you to immediately find the material you do not understand. When you work with a teacher, everything seems easy and understandable. But as soon as you are left alone with the material, you may immediately have moments where you feel like you are struggling. If you do not do your homework, you take the risk of not knowing about your lack of understanding. And at this point, there may not be a teacher around who can explain and go over the material with you again.

Mistake # 2: Ignoring Mistakes

Very often people do not pay attention to gaps in their knowledge. They think that they know the language well at a certain level, but in fact they do not. Sometimes we are lazy to go back to the material we have covered already. But if you keep ignoring the mistakes, it will be harder and harder to learn the new material. You will simply get confused.

Mistake # 3: Studying only the words

Instead of studying individual lexical units, it is necessary to focus on memorizing ready-made phrases, the way kids do. Remember, you did not learn in childhood structure like “do-did-done”? That’s right, you immediately memorized whole phrases or even sentences. In fact, it is quite simple. The best assistant: reading.

Mistake # 4: Disorganization

Skipping classes, not doing homework, the lack of a certain method of studying – in this case you will not be able to quickly and efficiently learn English. First, you need to plan your own time. Second, write down the schedule with the exact time of the beginning and end of classes. Identify the short-term goals you are going to achieve in learning the language. Stick to the established plan and do not miss classes.

Mistake # 5: Focusing Only on Grammar

The most popular and dangerous mistake is focusing only on grammar because it has a negative impact on speech abilities. Why? English grammar can be difficult to understand logically, and real-time communication is fast. It turns out that you will not have enough time to remember hundreds of learned rules just to speak out. It is also important that you learn English grammar on a subconscious and intuitive level. The best way is to actively communicate/speak with English native speakers and listen to the correct English speech.

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