Here at EC Language Centres, we meet people from around the world, and some truly remain in our memories! An example of this is one of our awesome Brazilian student, Nadia Pereira. Nadia studied English with us in our 30+ programme here at EC Vancouver and had a lovely time participating in the various social and outdoor activities.
With that being said, here is what Nadia had to say about her visit and studies at EC Vancouver:
“I chose EC Vancouver because I already knew the school when I took classes in Toronto. Actually, I came in 2019 and decided to come back to Canada because its an amazing country. I was very lucky with EC because I had the opportunity to improve my English, specially due to the 30+ classes because they have career focused subjects and lessons.
The teachers are amazing, they know how to talk to us and they have so much patience. There’s alot of homework and dialogues in class so its impossible not to improve! The schools support goes beyond the language. They teach us about the Canadian culture, how to take the public transportation, and anything else we need! I have no regrets and I have no doubts that I made the best decision coming to Vancouver!”

Needless to say, we will miss you, Nadia, and hope to meet you again in the future! Do visit us if you’re ever nearby the school!
EC Vancouver is a Languages Canada member in good standing – DLI#O19280217882. We provide ESL classes and test preparation programs for all levels and ages over 16 years old.Otherwise, the province of British Columbia proudly hosts many ESL schools in Vancouver. But none stands out like EC! Contact us today or visit our social media websites to learn more about our programs, events, contests, tours and activities that we host everyday.