This evening, EC Montreal welcomed a guest speaker from the Vancouver Film School, to present their different programmes. Sergio, EC’s university pathway counsellor, introduced the participants to EC’s programme and all the support we are able to provide to our students. He then introduced Christine from the Vancouver Film School.
She began with some really cool and interesting facts about the school. She informed us that the school was founded in 1987 in response to movies that were currently begin filmed in the city of Vancouver with no Canadian representation working on the films. She gave the example of Rambo and 21 Jump Street. Their entire production teams were from outside of Canada. She showed the very first newspaper advertisement from 1987 and how basic it was. They began small with only thirty or so students and now the school has over one thousand students and over three hundred instructors. She explained that the ratio of teacher to student is very attractive as it guarantees more personalized attention and care to the students. Throughout the student’s journey from their first day of school to their first day on the job in the film industry, they have the support of the Vancouver Film School.
Christine talked a lot about the impressive school alumni and how successful their graduates become in their field. She explained that even during this current pandemic, their gaming students are still finding employment. This industry is categorized as the creative economy and it is booming.
She spoke about the three main fields you can study at the school. They offer Film, Animation and Games. Under the film category, students can choose acting, production, sound, make up or writing. They offer 2D and 3D animation and students can focus on characters, animated films, cartoons or concept design. They also offer Games where students can learn about programming for games or digital design. Christine spoke a lot about the creative collaboration that takes place between the different programmes within the school.
The Vancouver Film School has over twenty thousand graduates and all of them are working! This group of alumni students have appeared in credits in some very famous shows and motion pictures like Game of Thrones, Spiderman and Star Wars to name a few.
In order to be admitted to the Vancouver Film School, you need to show your high school transcript as well as proof of language proficiency from an EC school. You must have achieved an Upper Intermediate level or higher from EC English.
They said that more important than your grades or GPA is to demonstrate proof of creativity. If you don’t have a portfolio, you can sign up for an extra year of tuition to prepare your portfolio prior to commencing your programme of choice.
The Vancouver Film School is only one of many of EC’s Canadian Pathway Partners. If you decide to book your studies at EC Montreal, we can introduce you to Sergio who will help you every step of the way in choosing the best option for you. In addition, he will assist you with your admissions applications. EC Montreal’s team of teachers will ensure you get to the necessary language level in order to continue your post secondary studies right here in Canada.
If you are thinking of attending a Canadian college or university, we recommend that you use this time to get a head start on your learning by booking our English online classes with EC Virtual. The University pathway English programme is only $99 CAD per week. Sergio can arrange several meetings with you to find out your specific needs and help answer your questions. He will also arrange some really fabulous webinars with different pathway partners so you have all the knowledge you need before making a decision.
EC offers free virtual trial classes every Tuesday at 11 a.m.