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Visiting Malta - Reading and Vocabulary

Average: 2.6 (10 votes)

Something a little different for you today, we have a guest writer! Today's exercise was written by my sister about her time here in Malta.

Hi! My name is Freya, I'm 20 years old and I’m at university in Essex, England.  This Summer I was lucky enough to spend 3 months in Malta; working and spending time with my family.

Wedding Vocabulary and Reading

Average: 2.4 (16 votes)

Read the following paragraph about the wedding I went to over the weekend and pay attention to the words in blue. Do you know what they mean?

EC wins a Star Award

Average: 2.6 (16 votes)

We won! All of us at EC are in a great mood at the moment because we won an award for one of our English courses. You might, or might not know, that apart from offering daily English lessons on this site, EC is also a chain of English schools with schools in London, Brighton, Cambridge, New York, Boston, San Diego, Cape Town and Malta. We're always working our hardest to give our language students the best experience we can. This means offering the highest quality English lessons, great accommodation options and a fun activities programme. The whole package.

Danny on Computers

Average: 3.9 (18 votes)

So, way back in 250 BC, a very clever person invented the world's first ever computer. Some people believe that the name of this very clever person was Archimedes, purely because the design of this first computer very closely resembled some of his other designs...

In the news: Sound of Music sends teenagers home

Average: 2.4 (9 votes)

Youth club organisers have found a new weapon to drive out teenagers who overstay their welcome - songs from the musical 'The Sound of Music' have been used to encourage youngsters to go home when youth clubs wrap up for the night.

Staff at the Hilton Community Centre were having difficulty dispersing teenagers, who were reluctant to leave when the youth club ended at 10pm on Thursdays and Fridays. Hearing the singing nun pipe up is the way they are told that the party's over.

In the news: Theme Park Bans Smelly People

Average: 3 (18 votes)

Rollercoaster riders at an English theme park are being banned from putting their arms in the air - after complaints about body odour.

Using the new rule, signs will tell visitors to keep their arms down and 'Say no to B.O.!' (Body Odour).

Wardens on the rides will also remind people to consider their fellow passengers and anyone ignoring the warnings will be taken off the rollercoaster. Those who continue to do so will be asked to leave the park.

Quick Tip - Keep a Journal

Average: 2.3 (10 votes)

One of the best pieces of advice for language learners is to write a short daily diary.

Writing a short account of your day is a great way to practise your writing and improve both your fluency and accuracy. Some students find writing in English quite daunting so this is an easy way to become more comfortable with producing written work. You can then check your writing and practise self-correction (or we're sure your teacher won't mind looking over it for you)!

Danny's Fatherhood Reading

Average: 2.9 (14 votes)

So...my wife gave birth to our one and only daughter a couple of weeks ago...

There was a lot of screaming, shouting and crying involved (and that was just me!) but when it was all over and done with, I was the happiest man alive. I now had a son and a daughter, and life was pretty much perfect.

Until, that is, a couple of days later, when the first visitors arrived...

“Ooooh!” said my wife’s aunt. “And aaaah! She’s beautiful! She’s going to be a heartbreaker when she grows up!”


Thinking i can't understand

Reading: Beyonce

Average: 2.9 (21 votes)

Beyonce is one of the most famous female singers in the world. She became famous as a member of the group 'Destiny's Child' in the late 1990s and has been making hit solo records since then. This is one of my favourite Beyonce songs. I have removed some of the vocabulary related to dreams and sleeping, can you fill in the gaps? Look out for my next lesson, based on dream idioms! Good luck.

Lesson by Caroline