CELTA course
Why EC London
Why do your CELTA at EC London?
The tutors
The CELTA tutors at EC London are highly experienced and knowledgeable practitioners with between 15 and 40+ years’ experience in their field. All have extensive experience in English language teaching and draw on their involvement with various aspects of English language education, such as English for Academic Purposes (EAP), English as a Foreign Language (EFL), English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), higher education (HE), teaching young learners and academic management. A number of our training team work as Cambridge assessors for CELTA and DELTA courses. All our tutors stay abreast of industry practices and trends by participating in teaching and training conferences and keeping up-to-date with reading and research in the field.

Course structure & tutor contact time
All CELTA courses on the market follow the same syllabus and course guidelines as specified by Cambridge English. However, you will find some differences between centres in the way that they decide to organise their timetables and what kind of materials they use. Do check with a centre to ensure that this fits your needs and expectations. At EC London, we ensure that candidates receive at least 120 hours of quality tutor contact time, where you have time to ask questions, discuss concepts and ideas with others and where experienced tutors demonstrate teaching techniques with you, so that you can experience these from a learner’s perspective. This enables you to fully engage with the pros and cons of using different techniques and to gain a depth of understanding of teaching methodology in a practical way. Participants receive feedback on the progress being made throughout the course in both a discussion and a written format. We also provide a tutorial in the final stages of the course for all candidates, rather than the recommended minimum Cambridge advise.
Observation of experienced teachers
You will have the opportunity to observe experienced teachers during your course, which includes not only your CELTA tutors, but also the current teaching staff at EC London, who are experienced, creative and innovative. We include a minimum of 6 hours observation, as stipulated by Cambridge, but the opportunity for more if you wish.

Facilities and resources
EC London has up-to-date technological resources in all classrooms, such as smart touchscreen TVs and a recently upgraded computer system. We have a wealth of resources for teachers to use in both paper and digital formats to help with lesson planning. Our newly renovated building in Angel Islington also has plenty of space and facilities in which to study and relax.

These factors all contribute towards making the CELTA course at EC London a high quality course with exceptionally high pass rates and feedback from candidates.