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G.11.3 - The Causative

How to use 'Have something done'

Average: 1.8 (193 votes)

Have something done is used to show that something is done for us, we do not do it ourselves. Compare these two sentences:

"I washed my car." - I washed my car myself.

"I had my car washed." - I paid someone to wash my car for me.

Have something done

Average: 2.3 (662 votes)

Take a look at these two sentences. What is the difference in meaning between them?

'I cut my hair.'
'I have my hair cut.'

'I cut my hair' means that I do it myself.
'I have my hair cut means someone cuts my hair for me (in this case it's probably a hairdresser).

We use have something done to mean another person does a service for us.