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T.2.1 - Sport

David Beckham Exercise

Average: 2.8 (13 votes)

Unless you live on the moon, you must know who David Beckham is!

The English footballer is one of the most famous people in the world. Here we take a little look at his life with a focus on your English grammar.

You don’t need to be a football fan to answer these questions – the important thing with this exercise is the sentence structure. Read the sentences carefully to get a good idea of the missing words.

Beyonce Lesson

Baseball Idioms for everyday English

Average: 3.4 (30 votes)

Baseball is considered America's favorite pastime, and as a result there are many idiomatic expressions which come from this great sport. If you are not familiar with baseball jargon, some very common idioms may be difficult to understand. Here are some of the most common expressions and idioms from the world of baseball:

How to use Play, Do and Go

Average: 3.4 (258 votes)

'Do yoga? Play yoga? Go yoga?'

We use the verbs play, do and go with sports and activities. Here is the information you need to know to use them correctly:


Play is used with ball sports or competitive games where we play against another person:

What are 'imperatives'?

Average: 2.2 (316 votes)

Compare these two sentences:
1) 'Could you close the door?'
2) 'Close the door.'

You probably think that the first sentence is more polite than the second – and you are right.

1) is a request. We are asking someone to do something.
2) is an instruction. We are telling some what to do.

Football English

Average: 2.4 (22 votes)


The European Championships are well underway.

 This time there are no British teams in the final, but there is probably a lot of English being spoken by supporters from around Europe in Switzerland and Austria. Here are some expressions we use to talk about the 'beautiful game'.