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Adverbs and position of adverbial phrases

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Here is a quick revision of adverbs:

Adverbs often show how, when or where an action takes place.
How - MANNER - Peter spoke quietly.
When  - TIME - Peter went shopping yesterday.
Where - PLACE - Can you see that house? Peter lives there.

Position of adverb expressions

We can use more than one adverb or adverb expression in one sentence. The order is usually – MANNER, PLACE, TIME. (However this can change especially when we want to emphasise a word.

I waited impatiently (MANNER)
I waited at the bus stop. (PLACE)
I waited for an hour. (TIME)

I waited impatiently (MANNER) at the bus stop PLACE) for an hour (TIME).

Adverbs with adjectives

Adverbs can be used to add more information to adjectives and other adverbs
Adverb + adjective
Very hot, extremely expensive, totally confused
Adverb + adverb
Very quietly, extremely carefully, slightly carelessly

Do I use an adverb or an adjective?
It is common to make the mistake of using an adjective instead of an adverb
She sang well. NOT She sang good.
She sang beautifully. NOT She sang beautiful.
He smiled happily. NOT He smiled happy.

Lesson by Tristan, English teacher at EC Malta English school

Now choose the right word/phrase for the following:

  • 1) She received a __ bunch of flowers.

  • 2) The flat was __ designed.

  • 3) I had dinner __.

  • 4) Please check your writing as __ as possibly.

  • 5) Our neighbour is a __ person.

  • 6) He completed the course __.

  • 7) I wish I could be a __ speaker of Spanish.

  • 8) Peter always goes __.

  • 9) There has been a __ drain on our recourses.

  • 10) He dealt with the problem very __.

  • 11) The car started __.