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Grammar - to have to do something

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Use have to do something to talk about your responsibilities and necessities.

I have to wear a suit to work.

Do we have to give our teacher our homework now?

They're had to rewrite the report.

Although must has the same meaning, it is used when the action is not a rule or law.

I must do my homework after school. - An obligation that is my choice.

I have to do my homework after school. - An obligation that comes from someone else, for example this rule was decided by a parent.

When there is no obligation (you can choose if you want to do it), we use the negative form.

You don't have to attend the meeting but you might find it useful.
She doesn't have to help her parents with the housework.

Now complete these sentences:

  • 1) We have to ___ up after dinner.

  • 2) I always ___ to go to bed at 9 pm when I was a child.

  • 3) We ___ have to wear our school uniform on the last day of term.

  • 4) Do I ___ to take him there?

  • 5) She ___ to work on Saturdays.

  • 6) He __ to pick his mother up from the airport last night.

  • 7) They ___ have to carry my bags.