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V.2.6 - Verbs, basic

Transport Verbs

Average: 3.1 (40 votes)

Yesterday had a lesson on adjectives for transport from Sebastian (teacher at EC Cape Town English school). Today we continue the topic, with another lesson from Sebastian, by looking at travel verbs.

We all use transportation in our daily lives, so I hope this English vocabulary is useful to you!

Choose the correct option to complete these sentences.

Reported Speech and Reporting Verbs

Average: 3.4 (98 votes)

Reported speech

Direct speech and reported speech are the two ways we can say what someone has said.

Directed speech: "I am your neighbour," said James.

Reported speech: James said that he was my neighbour.

Confusing Words - Look, See, Watch and Listen & Hear

Average: 2.4 (29 votes)

Simple words are often easy to confuse.

Today I want you to explain to me the difference between look, see & watch and then listen & hear.

Use the comments section to explain the difference in meaning and give some example sentences. To get you thinking, I have created a ten-question quiz for you to try.

So who is going to be the first person to write a explanation?

I know you can do it!

Invent, Discover and Establish

Average: 3.5 (11 votes)

Let's take a look at three verbs which English learners often find confusing. They are useful for talking about people and organisations in history.


(Verb) To design and/or create something which has never been made before.
"Karl Benz invented the car in 1885."
Noun: Invention

How to use Sense Verbs

Average: 4.9 (1031 votes)

When describing how someone (or something) looks, feels, sounds tastes or smells, we use adjectives.

Look, feel, sound taste and smell are all sense verbs. Here are some examples of sense verbs in action:
"You look angry."
"Her perfume smells nice."
"I feel tired."

Learn English Verbs

Average: 2.5 (11 votes)

Let's take a look at some English verbs. Read through the seven sentences and choose the verb that best completes each sentence.


Bring vs. Take

Average: 3.8 (76 votes)

What's the difference between take and bring?

A lot of English learners have a problem with this. Here's the answer:


We ask people to bring things to the place where we are. Bring is used in relation to a destination:

"Bring some food to the party at my house."

State Verbs

Average: 3.4 (33 votes)

"This shirt costs $50."

"This shirt is costing $50."

Which is correct? Why?

The first sentence - "This shirt costs $50" - is correct because the price of the shirt is fixed; it's a fixed state and therefore we use a state verb, costs.

Irregular past participle verbs quiz

Average: 3.4 (29 votes)

A past participle indicates past or completed action or time. It is often called the 'ed' form as it is formed by adding d or ed, to the base form of regular verbs, however it is also formed in various other ways for irregular verbs. Here we review your knowledge of irregular past participle verbs.

An example of an irregular past participle verb is sung:

Cooking verbs

Average: 3.3 (33 votes)

Fry? boil? spread? stir? bake? grill? whisk?

Can you cook? I prefer eating to cooking. As much as I hate washing dishes, cooking is an important skill because everyone loves a good cook. Today we take a look at 7 cooking verbs. All you have to do is match the pictures to the correct verbs.

The verbs you need are: