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R.4.3 - Making explanatory inferences (Why? How?)

Getting Older

Average: 1.4 (141 votes)
Danny Danny's been teaching English at EC for 10 years.

Do you think you can answer this riddle?

Average: 3.1 (115 votes)

Is this a well-known riddle in your country? Can you answer it? Let's see how logical your lovely brain is!

(click on show 'answer below' for the answer)

Riddle: Do you know the answer to this horse race question?

Average: 2.4 (35 votes)

Put on your thinking-caps because it's time for another classic puzzle; can you answer it? Click on 'show answer' for the answer

(click on show 'answer below' for the answer)

Riddle of the Sphinx

Average: 2.8 (30 votes)

Those of you familiar with Greek mythology may know the answer to this one. This is the riddle that the Sphinx asked Oedipus. Oedipus could answer it ...can you?

(click on show 'answer below' for the answer)

What goes on four legs in the morning, on two legs at noon, and on three legs in the evening?

English Riddle - What's the answer?

Average: 3 (31 votes)

Read the following riddle (puzzle) and guess the answer. Click on 'Show Answer' to solve the riddle:

A cowboy arrives into town on Friday, stay two days, and then leaves on Friday. How?

Puzzle - What's the answer?

Average: 3.3 (51 votes)

Read the following riddle (puzzle) and guess the answer. Click on 'Show Answer' to solve the riddle:

One day 2 fathers and 2 sons went fishing. They caught 1 fish each, but they only had a total of 3 fish. How was this possible?