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Confusing Words

In Spite of, Despite and Although

Average: 3.7 (338 votes)

‘in spite of’, ‘despite’ and ‘although’ are all used to show contrast and are used for the same meaning. The only difference is the way they are used; the structure in which they are used.

Have, Take, Make and Give

Average: 3.8 (43 votes)

We use verbs like have, take, make and give with nouns like a shower, a drink, a mistake, advice:
I took a shower.
I had a drink.
I made a mistake.
He gave me some advice.

So and neither, so and such

Average: 3.4 (20 votes)

-ed and –ing adjectives

Average: 3.1 (59 votes)

-ed adjectives

We often confuse adjectives that end both in –ed and –ing. (interested or interesting, bored or boring etc.)

Adjectives that end in –ed describe emotions – they tell us about how a person feels about something or even their opinion about something.

I’m surprised to see you.
He’s interested in fashion
I was bored during the lecture.
I was tired so I went to bed.

Already, still, yet

Average: 3.7 (54 votes)

We use still to show that something continues up to the time referred to. It is used in the past present or future. Still is placed in front of the main verb:

Even though he was a teenager he still loved playing outside.

They are still living in the old farmhouse.
We will still be at work when you arrive.

Comparisons: comparatives and superlatives

Average: 4.2 (22 votes)

Look at the comparative and superlative forms in these sentences.

Irregular Adjectives in Comparatives

Average: 3.3 (122 votes)

Regular Adjectives

Most adjectives follow one of these rules when making comparatives.

One syllable words add er:

New becomes newer

Two or more syllable words add more first:

Intelligent becomes more intelligent

Words that end in y become ier:

pretty become prettier

Words that end in er add er:

Clever becomes cleverer

Lose or Loose?

Average: 3.9 (26 votes)

We see these two words misspelled ALL the time especially on Twitter and Facebook.

Let's take a look at the correct use of these words.


Lose: is a present tense verb. It has two meanings:

i) To have lost something. You no longer know where it is:

"Don't lose your bag. Be careful where you put it."

ii) To be defeated:

"I always lose when I play tennis against my brother."


The past form of both meanings is lost.

"I lost my bag!"

Have to/Supposed to/Ought to

Average: 3.4 (72 votes)

What's the difference between have to, supposed to and ought to?

Have to

When you must do something, you have to do it. It is used for a situation that has no choice. Have to is used for obligations.

"Students must wear their uniforms to school or they will be sent home."

"In England, you have to drive on the left."

Uses of Like

Average: 4.6 (32 votes)

When we hear the word like we think about things we enjoy, "I like English." There are other uses of the word. How familiar are you with these?

"What's she like?" - 'What...like?' is used when asking about someone's personality or character. You could answer with:
She is funny/patient/outgoing.