Put on your thinking-caps because it's time for another classic puzzle; can you answer it? Click on 'show answer' for the answer
(click on show 'answer below' for the answer)
You've probably heard make up used as a noun for cosmetics, but did you know that it's also used as a phrasal verb?
Make up - (noun) a cosmetic worn on the face to change your appearance.
Make up - (phrasal verb) to forgive / apologise with someone and to be friends again after a fight or argument.
To Christians, Easter Sunday is the day that Jesus rose from the dead after 3 days of being dead. Like Christmas. Easter is celebrated by non-Christians; clearly, for many, the religious significance has been lost. Instead of being a religious celebration, these days, it's all about eating chocolate and having a good time.
English teachers are a bit like snowflakes.
Okay, so the above sentence is probably not the most lucid way to start an article, and on the universal scale of clarity, where one is the sound of a finely-tuned church bell on a crystal-clear summer morning and ten is an explanation of quadratic equations translated from Japanese into Russian by a Scottish sheep herder, it would probably fall somewhere between an eight and a nine… but let me explain myself...
Do you know what Good Friday is? Here's some information you may find interesting:
Good Friday is always on the Friday before Easter Sunday and is one of the most important days in the Christian calendar. On this day Christians commemorate the anniversary of Jesus' crucifixion and death. For Christians today, 'Good Friday' is like a day of mourning rather than a day of celebration like Christmas.
One of my personal favourites for you today; read the very famous introduction to Charles Dickens' A Tale of Two Cities and try and guess the correct missing words.
Take a look at these very short sentences:
"He's tall."
"He's dead."
They both contain adjectives: tall and dead.
Tall can be used in comparative sentences:
Take a look at this review of twelve tenses using example sentences. Getting the tenses write when you are speaking is going to make it a whole lot easier to make yourself understood.
"I play tennis."
"I played tennis."
We all want to build up our bank of English language words, so here's a quiz you should all take. All you have to do is match the key-word to its closest meaning. The key-words are used in context to give you a small hint: