English has many two-word verbs, made up of a verb and a small word like at, in, on, up. Two-word verbs (phrasal verbs) are very common in an informal style and used by native speakers constantly!
Put down: Stop holding
"Slowly put down the gun and keep your hands where I can see them."
"She finished reading the newspaper and put it down on the table."
We use can't put something down as an idiom to describe something we are reading that is so interesting that we don't want to stop reading it.
Read the following short story. Pay attention to the idioms:
Lesson by David, EC London English school
I have recently moved in with my best friend. As with many close relationships, we speak in a type of code and part of that code is idioms! I’ve made a list of idioms that are used when we are talking about relationships. Can you fit the correct idiom into each sentence? Good luck!
PS: I’d like to point out that sentence 1 is completely fictitious...obviously!
Lesson by Caroline
Following my listening lesson on money, I thought I’d give you some extra, more advanced vocabulary, on the topic of money. I have written the meanings of some common phrasal verbs used when we talk about money. Can you decide which phrasal verb belongs in each sentence?
There are seven common phrasal verbs that include the verb 'break'.
Some phrasal verbs can be separated with an object, for example 'switch on the light' can also be 'switch the light on'.
Not all phrasal verbs can be separated, so it's a matter of memorising which ones can and which ones can't.
Here's a little exercise to help you along. Complete the sentences by choosing the correct option. Remember to put the verb in the correct tense.
Lesson by Seb @ EC Cape Town English School
A few weeks ago we looked at 'Get' phrasal verbs, now lets take a look at some of the ones that use the verb ‘look’. Remember, phrasal verbs can take a long time to get used to, just practise practise practise and try to use them in your day to day conversations.
Today's lesson is by Caroline