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The Kindle - Upper Intermediate reading.

Average: 3.8 (11 votes)

The Kindle- Upper Intermediate reading.

Listening - Blood Brothers

Average: 3.1 (20 votes)

Are you superstitious?

Superstition: a belief not based on knowledge on reason that certain actions will bring about negative results.

Superstitious: a person who believes in superstitions. e.g. 'She thinks that if you break a mirror you will have seven years bad luck, she’s so superstitious!'

Good News for Chocoholics

Average: 2.9 (12 votes)

Chocoholics across the world, I have some excellent news!

Read the article below and then decide which word completes each gap.

I've given you the meanings of the words to help you complete the exercise, as well as a few pieces of useful vocabulary.

The useful vocabulary DO NOT FIT THE GAPS, it is just there to help you out. Good luck!

Lesson by Caroline Devane

Goals and Desires

Average: 3.6 (18 votes)

A very wise woman once told me about the difference between desires and goals and I've decided that I'd like to share that information with you. The difference between the two can be difficult to understand sometimes but knowing they exist can help you move towards your dreams in a contented way.

Reading: Watching TV

Average: 4 (7 votes)

Do you think you watch too much TV? Honestly, I wish I could watch more but I'm usually studying or working!

Apparently, TV shows ending can make some people very upset. Have you ever been sad because a show has ended? What are your favourite programmes? Let us know!

Take a look at this article what is Downton Abbey and what is the Downton Abbey Effect? Leave your answer in the comments box.

Extreme Sports in Cape Town

Average: 2.8 (10 votes)

Thrill-seeker: a person who enjoys taking part in extreme sports and other activities involving physical risk

So many of my English students in Cape Town used to terrify me with videos of them bungee jumping or swimming with sharks!

I would NEVER do anything like that, for me riding a rollercoaster is all the excitement I will need.

Having said that, I am considering abseiling down Table Mountain in a few months, but that's not for fun, that's for charity!

Reading: British love talking about the weather!

Average: 3.9 (7 votes)

Britons spend six months talking about the weather!

This fact probably doesn't come as a surprise to those of you studying in Britain!

We love talking about the weather, well actually, mostly complaining.

An annoying rain shower or a day when it's too hot to use the underground are our favourite topics of conversation!

Read through the article and then try and fit the words in the correct gaps!

London Riots and Clean Up

Average: 1.5 (180 votes)

Before they started appearing in court, most people _1_ London's rioters and looters were unemployed young people with no hope and no future.

Yet among those arrested _2_ a graphic designer, a postal employee, a dental assistant, a teaching aide, a forklift driver and a youth worker.

Strange Animals

Average: 3.8 (5 votes)

Lately, I have discovered a fascination with weird and wonderful animals that I never knew existed in me!

Here is a description of four animals and their amazing skills...this article has made me a bit nervous and I'm now going to check all the walls in my flat to make sure nothing can get in!

Read through the article and then answer the true or false questions below.

Lesson by Caroline

Do you have motivation?

Average: 4 (7 votes)

People who compete in sports have to be really motivated to achieve their goals and develop as athletes.

Motivation is also really important for people learning English.

This article gives some great tips on goal-setting and pushing yourself to get where you want to.

Read through the article and then fill the gaps with the correct vocabulary.

I have given you the definitions of the words to help you.

Lesson by Caroline