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T.15 - Food and Drink

Reading: Cooking for Clooney

Average: 1.6 (195 votes)

Food Idioms

Average: 1.7 (170 votes)

Here are some idioms to revise, all of which are related to food and eating. First look at the literal meanings of the idioms below and then see if you can decide which idiom correctly completes the sentence. Who is the apple of your eye? Is there something that just isn't your cup of tea?

Good luck!

Pasta and Pizza!

Average: 2.7 (18 votes)

For a long time, Indian food has been the favourite of most British people, but now, Italian food is taking over! Here's some information about the big change. What’s your favourite type of food? I do love Italian food but my absolute favourite has to be Mexican. Having said that, I could easily eat my Mum's roast dinner every day. Let us know!

Lesson by Caroline

Danny's Reading: Cake

Average: 3.6 (17 votes)

Before you settle down to get your teeth into this month’s article, there are three things you need to know right away. The first thing is, I don’t make cakes. Secondly, I’m making a cake. And finally, this is an article about me making a cake.

As I type this out at the kitchen table, there is one-third of a cake baking in the oven. It’ll be done in about ten minutes…

Beginner Level: Waiter or Customer?

Average: 1.8 (216 votes)

Students - in each sentence do you know who is talking, the waiter or the customer?

For example: 'Would you like fries with that?' is something that the waiter would ask.

When you have answered the questions, tell us what your favourite restaurant is, and your favourite food!

Good luck! PS: Two of the sentences have different words but the same meaning- we say one in American English and one in British English. Which two sentences have the same meaning?

Lesson by Caroline

Is Pizza A Vegetable?

Average: 2.8 (18 votes)

In USA schools, pizza is now a vegetable!

What did you eat for lunch when you were in school? Could you buy something _1_ to eat in the school cafeteria?

How does it taste? Food Adjectives

Average: 3.1 (266 votes)

Food - One of my favourite things in the world. With most of us able to taste food from all corners of the globe, there needs to be a lot of adjectives to describe what we are tasting. In the following sentences, can you guess which adjective should be used?
Lesson by Caroline

Let us know what your favourite food is by posting your comments below...

Anyone for a cuppa? The best cup of tea

Average: 3.1 (21 votes)

Drinking tea (with milk of course), is a huge part of British culture. Helen and Olly, a comedy duo who have their own podcast, went around the country learning all about it and trying to discover where they could find ‘the best cup of tea’.

Watch the video, and then see if you can answer the true or false questions.

Right, I’m off to boil the kettle.
By Caroline Devane

Listening: Oliver 'Food, Glorious Food'

Average: 2.8 (31 votes)

I am absolutely famished, so hungry, totally starving! So what else could I do, but choose a song for this musical lesson that is all about food.

I have removed some types of food or food related vocabulary from this famous song from Oliver. See if you can complete the gaps with the correct words.

Right, I’m off to make a sandwich!

There are loads of other words in this song related to food and eating. Can you find them?
Lesson by Caroline

Food Idioms

Average: 2.9 (25 votes)

Here’s a list of idioms that all include a type of food, but can you remember which food completes which idiom? When you’ve finished filling them in, see if you can explain what each idiom means. Good luck!
Lesson by Caroline