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P.1 - Adult

Word of the day: Compete

Average: 3.1 (7 votes)

Compete (verb)

Compete (verb) to try to be more successful than someone or something else. When you take part in a competition you compete.

Compete is a regular verb: Past simple competed / Past participle competed

Reading: British love talking about the weather!

Average: 3.9 (7 votes)

Britons spend six months talking about the weather!

This fact probably doesn't come as a surprise to those of you studying in Britain!

We love talking about the weather, well actually, mostly complaining.

An annoying rain shower or a day when it's too hot to use the underground are our favourite topics of conversation!

Read through the article and then try and fit the words in the correct gaps!

Reading Comprehension: True or False

Average: 3.9 (27 votes)

Marathon: A long distance running race of 26 miles.

I was extra interested in this year's London Marathon as one of my best friends, Adelle, was running it for the first time!

This year, the male and female races were both won by Kenyan competitors.

Here is a very brief article about the top runners.

Read the article and then try and answer the true or false questions below.

Lesson by Caroline

London Riots and Clean Up

Average: 1.5 (180 votes)

Before they started appearing in court, most people _1_ London's rioters and looters were unemployed young people with no hope and no future.

Yet among those arrested _2_ a graphic designer, a postal employee, a dental assistant, a teaching aide, a forklift driver and a youth worker.

Articles: A, An, The

Average: 3.2 (26 votes)

How much do you remember about when to use the articles, 'the, an, a'?

Read this letter from me and try and decide which article you need in each gap.

Some of the gaps don't need an article at all; can you work out which ones these are?

Lesson by Caroline

My Many Jobs!

I've had lots of different jobs and careers in my life and I'd like to tell you about some of them.

I got my first job when I was thirteen, as _1_ dog walker.

Past Perfect Continuous

Average: 2.8 (91 votes)

This tense is also called Past Perfect Progressive.

It is simple to form; easy to confuse!

Here are a few example sentences

Music Video Lesson - The Rolling Stones 'Ruby Tuesday'

Average: 2.9 (12 votes)

By now you all know I have an obsession with songs that tell stories.

I also have a small obsession with The Rolling Stones and this is one of my favourite songs.

One of the reasons I love it so much is because the choreographer Christopher Bruce created this dance to it and I learnt the dance for an exam.

Listen to the song and see if you can complete the gaps with the correct words. Then tell us what you think of the song and the dance.

Lesson by Caroline Devane

Strange Animals

Average: 3.8 (5 votes)

Lately, I have discovered a fascination with weird and wonderful animals that I never knew existed in me!

Here is a description of four animals and their amazing skills...this article has made me a bit nervous and I'm now going to check all the walls in my flat to make sure nothing can get in!

Read through the article and then answer the true or false questions below.

Lesson by Caroline

Phrasal Verb: Let Down

Average: 4.3 (15 votes)

rub it in

This cartoon looks at two meanings of let down.

Definitions of let down

Let down - When you let something down, you deflate it (let the air out of it).

Quantifiers: A bottle of wine

Average: 1.6 (142 votes)

Quantifiers are used to express quantity i.e. the amount of something; how many/much.

With countable nouns like apples, for example, we can ask and answer:

How many apples do you want?
I want four apples.

Notice we use many with countable nouns.

Quantifiers with non-countable nouns

Now let's take a look at a non-countable noun: wine.