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EC Malta - Student Talk

Average: 3.3 (41 votes)

Upper Intermediate: IELTS, ESOL and TOEFL Vocabulary

Average: 3.8 (16 votes)

Taking a English exam like Cambridge ESOL, TOEFL or IELTS is a big challenge and requires you to work hard. Independent study is an important part of the process. Serious English learners are always looking to expand their vocabualry by finding and learning new words.

Today I want to encourage you to be active with your English learning. Here are 10 words which will be unknown to many of you. Your task is to look these words up in the on-line dictionary provided and then type these words into the correct sentences.

5 Money Idioms

Average: 3 (11 votes)

Money, like time, is something that we never seem to have enough of.

Here are five phrasal verbs we use to talk about spending money.

cough up

To pay for something or to send money on something especially when you don't want to.

"She's just coughed up £40 for a speeding fine."

Verb Practice

Average: 3.7 (36 votes)

Take a look at this multiple choice quiz. Practice your knowledge of verbs by choosing the correct one in each sentence.

How many did you get correct? Which ones did you slip up on (make a mistake on)?

Link: Verb Tense Review

Expression of the day: Neither here nor there

Average: 3.5 (22 votes)

This idiom is used at Upper Intermediate level.

When a fact or opinion is neither here nor there, it is not important.

Words that have the same meaning (synonyms) of neither here nor there are unimportant, inconsequential, irrelevant and immaterial.

Learn 7 Phrasal Verbs

Average: 4.2 (15 votes)

Time for some phrasal verb fun! Here are five for you to learn. Complete the sentence using the correct verb and remember to change the tense when necessary.

slip up - to make a mistake/an error

pick out - to choose

nod off - to fall asleep

close down - to close a place forever/permanently

How to use 'Have something done'

Average: 1.8 (193 votes)

Have something done is used to show that something is done for us, we do not do it ourselves. Compare these two sentences:

"I washed my car." - I washed my car myself.

"I had my car washed." - I paid someone to wash my car for me.

Reading for Information Practice

Average: 3.6 (12 votes)

Today you are going to do some reading for information. Use the link below to read about a new activity for students at EC London. Answer all the questions. How well can you understand the info?

This link opens a new window: EC London Blog - EC London’s Breakfast club!


Link: Another lesson on understanding written text


Antonyms - Choose the opposite meanings

Average: 3.3 (21 votes)

Take a look at these ten words and choose the opposites (antonyms).

near: "I live near here. It will only take a couple of minutes to get home."

quiet: "The house is quiet when everyone has left for work or school."

Choose the right words "Learn English in Malta"

Average: 3.4 (12 votes)

Patrick is at an English school in Malta. His friend, David, has sent Patrick an email asking about his trip. Read through the email and help David choose the correct missing words.

Hi Patrick,

I'm very _1_ to hear about your study abroad trip to Malta.